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Cirno's Stuff of the Day Feb 12, 2013 | Cirno

Hello again! Today I seem to have noticed that my productivity is inversely proportional to how much stuff I have to do. Basically, the more I have to do the less I feel like doing. That really sucks around test time (like now) when on top of weekly labs and assignments, I get several tests all within a 2 week period. So I just spent about 6 hours on a lab report and CSotD when both should really only need a few minutes... but I get distracted, you know? People to talk to, games to play, Jlist to search through.

So, today from Jlist I've found one of my favourite type of product to write about: easy, fun snack packs from Kracie! This time let me present the Happy Kitchen Hamburger set:

Using just water and a microwave, this kit includes everything you need to make two mini hamburgers, fries an a cola! An easy and fun way to enjoy fast food at home, and its even supposed to taste like the real thing. The kit comes with simple picture instructions on the back of the box to tell you just how you can make real, mini fast food from nothing but water and the included mixes in the microwave. This is just one of those snacks I'm pretty sure you can only find from Japan!

~ Questions, suggestions, wondering where is Cirno's Perfect Trivia class? Pm me! I love feedback!

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