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Ryza no Atelier Episode 1 Quotes Jul 12, 2023 | RinaK
Transcript - 710 new quotes

Ryza no Atelier


The idillic countryside of Kurken Iland is home to farmers and fruit salespeople. Due to their history, this island keeps a strict tradition: no member of the island must leave.
In the village of Raseboden, lives the Stout family, wheat farmers. Reisalin stout, more known as Ryza, is the youngest daughter in the family.
Tired of her everyday farming life, Ryza seeks for the passion of her heart and adventuring into the vast world.
While doing some errands for her parents, along with her friends, Ryza learns that a mysterious outlander salesman will visit the island, and with high hopes, our heroine makes a plan to get off the island!
Lost in the forest, Ryza, Lent and Tao, come across a lost girl called Klaudia. Together, they try to fend off dangerous enemies, but ultimately do not succeed. To their aid, comes the alchemist Empel and his bodyguard
Lila, impressing Ryza's party with their skills and
Such encounter awakens a deep desire in Ryza and her friends!

Featuring Characters
Agatha Harmon | CV: Masumi Asano, 浅野真澄, あさの ますみ | 21 lines
Bos Brunnen | CV: Youhei Azakami, 阿座上洋平, あざかみ ようへい | 7 lines
Empel Vollmer | CV: Hirofumi Nojima, 野島裕史, のじま ひろふみ | 70 lines
Fressher | CV: Toshiharu Yajima, 谷嶋駿温, | 16 lines
Karl Stout | CV: Hikaru Midorikawa, 緑川光, みどりかわ ひかる | 7 lines
Klaudia Valentz | CV: Hitomi Owada, 大和田仁美, おおわだ ひとみ | 47 lines
Lent Marslink | CV: Takuma Terashima, 寺島拓篤, てらしま たくま | 94 lines
Lila Decyrus | CV: Haruka Terui, 照井春佳, てるい はるか | 15 lines
Lubart Valentz | CV: Kenji Hamada, 浜田賢二, はまだ けんじ | 24 lines
Lumbar Dorn | CV: Fukushi Ochiai, 落合福嗣, おちあい ふくし | 6 lines
Mio Stout | CV: Yuko Nagashima, 永島由子, ながしま ゆうこ | 11 lines
Moritz Brunnen | CV: Ryouta Takeuchi, 竹内 良太, たけうち りょうた | 4 lines
Reisalin Stout | CV: Yuri Noguchi, のぐちゆり, | 254 lines
Romy Fogel | CV: Yuki Nagaku, 長久友紀, ながく ゆき | 5 lines
Tao Mongarten | CV: Yui Kondou, 近藤唯, こんどう ゆい | 99 lines

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