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Unnamed Memory Episode 1 Quotes May 3, 2024 | RinaK
Transcript - 379 new quotes

Unnamed Memory


The witch of Silence has cursed the royal family to never be able to bear children. Ready to change his fate, prince Oscar heads into the Azure tower.
In the azure tower, the Witch of the Moon has been sealed in after being cursed by a prince. For fifteen years, that has been her fate, but Prince Oscar is ready to change that.
Even though the tower is riddled with puzzles and traps, Oscar actually is ready and prepared to face them. With his unyielding resolve, he reaches the top of the tower.
Ready with tea, the witch Tinasha welcomes Oscar cheerfully. Afer a good chat, the prince explains his motives, and Tinasha makes it clear that what he has is something that can be overcomed, if the woman that bears the prince's child is strong enough to withstand the "curse".

Featuring Characters
Lazar | CV: Shuuichirou Umeda, 梅田修一朗, うめだ しゅういちろう | 68 lines
Litola | CV: Yuu Sasahara, 篠原侑, ささはら ゆう | 16 lines
Oscar | CV: Yoshiki Nakajima, 中島ヨシキ, なかじま よしき | 140 lines
The Wich of Silence | CV: Mie Sonozaki, 園崎未恵, そのざき みえ | 4 lines
Tinasha | CV: Atsumi Tanezaki, 種﨑敦美, たねざき あつみ | 149 lines

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Happy 17th ACDB!! Apr 25, 2024 | Rei
Seventeen years ago today I registered

Back then I already had liked running servers and watching anime for 10+ years. When I imagined something I could see myself doing and enjoying 10, 20+ years later, combining the two seemed like a sure bet. ACDB will continue to grow and evolve well into the future.

I'd like to take a moment to thank our moderators for the hard work they do, and all our contributors. We're closing in on 140,000 characters now!

In the 139,000's we have:

chanchanlee added 368
NatsumiSawada added 193
Juan_Elric added 177
Moon_Moon added 124
RinaK added 50
romhackd added 11
RamRol97 added 8
Ben6439 added 6
rpgguy999 added 6
Animemaster1 added 5
Kazuma00 added 1
TsundereChan added 1
NgKQ added 1
NoamRault added 1
DaddyRengoku added 1
mxtedangel added 1

This week I've been exploring some more configuration possibilities within PHP FMP.

There have been cases where:
Apr 21 13:49:21 ns507285 kernel: sonewconn: pcb 0xfffff806a3f0f000: Listen queue overflow: 769 already in queue awaiting acceptance (8 occurrences)

This was happening when a large number of IP's at the same second, requested pages. Once all the php-fmp processes are busy, the Listen Queue starts to fill, and once that overflows 503 errors start happening.

I had been using:
pm = static
pm.max_children = 8

Which meant there was always 8 processes available to handle pages simultaneously. Beyond that they would queue until the queue limit was hit.

[23-Apr-2024 20:24:28] WARNING: [pool acdb] seems busy (you may need to increase pm.start_servers, or pm.min/max_spare_servers), spawning 8 children, there are 0 idle, and 13 total children

Now I'm trying:
pm = dynamic
pm.max_children = 64
pm.start_servers = 4
pm.min_spare_servers = 2
pm.max_spare_servers = 8

With this, under normal load there's always 8 servers up and ready to go. But under a traffic spike we can have up to 64 spawned to immediately accept requests.

As each one needs 2 mysql connections and the default max connections is 151, I can't safely go much higher without triggering MySQL errors.

For requests that can be handled near instantly, this works great. But in the event things slow down the server can still get a bit overwhelmed.

Thus I'm back to doing some profiling and optimizing. You'll see in the footer how long a page took to render. Ideally I'd love to keep the average below 100ms

There's still much I can do with query optimization. But some pages may need to be retired, or redesigned, if the site is to be able to handle 1000 connections per second.



Though we post about birthdays everyday on social media, to so many characters, we wouldn't miss the most important one!

A big happy birthday to ACDB! My home and the home of many others that appreciate fun and camaraderie

Rinkai! Episode 1 Quotes Apr 21, 2024 | RinaK
Transcript - 416 new quotes



Excited about the cycling competition, Izumi Itou and her 4 online friends decide to reunite and go watch the competition live.
After such a surprizing finale, the girls decide to stay at Izumi's family hot spring. There, the girls share the dream of becoming professional cycling sportists.
Overhearing their chat, the current winner, Tsutsuji Kurume decides to inspire the girls further, enthicing them to chase their dream of becoming professionals.
Puzzled by her friend's decision, and divided due to her family's expectation on her going to university, Kurumi can't bring it to her friends the fact that she isn't completely in on becoming a professional and taking the exams to enter the next cycling competition.
Thorn apart, she decides to ask her muse for some advise, though the reply brought her even more questions...

Featuring Characters
Ai Kumamoto | CV: Minami Hinata, 日向未南, ひなた みなみ | 37 lines
Izumi Itou | CV: Umino Kawamura, 川村 海乃, | 146 lines
Kinusa Takamatsu | CV: Riho Sugiyama, 杉山里穂, すぎやま りほ | 36 lines
Miko Yahiko | CV: Rena Hasegawa, 長谷川 玲奈, はせがわ れな | 46 lines
Miyako Mukoumachi | CV: Mariko Higashiuchi, 東内マリ子, ひがしうち まりこ | 29 lines
Remu Tachikawa | CV: Yuu Wakui, 和久井優, わくい ゆう | 10 lines
Sachi Nagoya | CV: Saika Kitamori, 北守さいか, きたもり さいか | 46 lines
Tsutsuji Kurume | CV: Riko Sasaki, 佐々木李子, ささき りこ | 24 lines

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